Dr. Sangeeta Chopra is a Professor in the area of HR, OB & Communication, and has more than two decades of experience, largely in the Education Industry. She has exposure of working in Corporate HR and in the Higher Education Industry.
She has been involved in teaching Behavioural sciences, Organisation Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Business Ethics and Communication Modules. Her area of specialization is ‘Compensation Management’ which is the subject of her Ph.D. Thesis.
She is a qualified corporate trainer, certified assessor and has a rich training portfolio, having trained in PSUs like EIL, NTPC, LIC, AAI, GAIL, IRFC, and also in private sectors viz. IT, Hospitality – in the area of HR, Leadership, Soft skills and Communication. She has rich experience of Academic Administration, particularly in Accreditation and Strategic Planning. Beyond her professional calling she spends her free time training students and adults in English language, as her contribution to the society.
Faculty: Human Resourses & Marketing
Education: MBA., Ph.D.,
Industry Experience: 4 Years
Academic Experience: 21 Years